Classroom Rules

Be Respectful

Be Responsible

  • Follow directions quickly and carefully.
  • Cooperate & collaborate kindly.
  • Give attention to speaker.
  • Celebrate others success.
  • Follow classroom routines.
  • Follow directions the first time they are ​given.
  • Use self-control and be professional.
  • Use time wisely, get started right away ​and work the whole time.
  • Make up any work that was missed when ​you are absent from class.
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Be Ready to learn

  • Participate in all activities.
  • Remain on task in class.
  • Try your best. Ask for help!
  • Be creative!
  • Display a positive attitude.
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WELCOME TO Mr. Pepper’s Website

Classroom Rules

What you'll learn

Some of the topics we will be covering this year include:

  • Internet Safety
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Parts of a Computer
  • Mouse Skills
  • Keyboarding Skills
  • Typing Skills
  • Google Apps
  • Microsoft Office
  • Desktop Publishing
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